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* 有助粉刺、粉刺疤痕、抗老化、黑頭、毛孔粗大、細紋
* 也有助緊緻、色素沉著、紅血絲、敏感皮膚、曬傷、素食主義者、肌膚薄弱、皺紋
* 質地溫和,有效去角質
* 含有豐富營養素和高放抗氧化
* 含有 12種活性醫療用草本植物精華
* 輕柔地去除角質及清潔毛孔
* 幫助肌膚緊緻、潤滑修補受曬傷的肌膚,舒緩紅腫
* 減少老化的明顯跡象,及避免因刮傷造成疤痕
* 肌膚薄弱者也適用
* 含有已知的有利於皮膚的化妝品活性草本精華
* 適合青少年和那些因曬傷或疲倦的肌膚使用
* 含有豐富檸檬醛植物成份,這是經過科學證明,有助減少早期皮膚癌的發病率

One Step Exfoliating Cleanser 125ml 多效去角質潔面乳

SKU: ESX3210
  • A wonderful lift for sun-damaged or tired complexions. Ideal for teenage breakouts. 

    Helps soften and loosen blackheads.

  • A gentle, nutrient-rich exfoliator that in 'One Step' cleanses pores and gently exfoliates and brightens skin. It is used nightly after cleansing skin and is gentle enough for the most sensitive skin. Rich in antioxidants and plant citrals, it helps clear breakouts and loosens blackheads for easy removal.

    See VIDEO below.

    "My chin was very congested and although I have always carefully used an exfoliant as part of my skin care routine, I had always been concerned I was damaging my skin with scratchy, grainy products. I was really pleased to read that this exfoliant is gentle on sensitive skin and wouldn't do any damage. I have been using it with great results. The congestion is clearing and my skin is feeling smooth and soft."
    See more Reviews below.



    • Birch Leaf - contains skin firming gentle cleansers and nutritive flavonoids that repair the appearance of pores.
    • Thyme - calms redness, is locally anti-bacterial and promotes healing.
    • Lemongrass - refreshes complexion and contributes to an overall healthy appearance of skin.

    and nine other freshly extracted medicinal grade plants and herbs.



    • Reduces keratin build up.
    • Helps clear breakouts, loosens blackheads.
    • Very high antioxidant levels (16 times more than the equivalent amount of crushed blueberries) allows One Step to:
    • firm, smooth and brighten, repair sun damage, rejuvenate tired looking skin.
    • Will not microscopically cut or scratch skin as many 'physical' exfoliators do.


    How to Use

    • Use in shower after Precleansing/Cleansing every evening as it's best to cleanse pores at the end of the day and after wearing makeup.
    • Mix one teaspoon between fingers and massage gently over damp skin for 30 - 60 seconds. Wash off. 
    • Cleanser and One Step may be combined and used together if time poor.


    Purified Water, Cinnamon Powder (Sri Lanka), Almond Oil (Australia), Cocobetaine (from Coconut), Avocado Extract (Aust), Cole Seed Extract, Cocos nucifera glycerides (from plant source), fresh herbal extracts of Violet Leaf (Aust), Thyme (Aust), Birch Leaf (Aust), fresh herbal extract of Witch Hazel (USA) (not the clear, alcohol-based version), Rosemary Ext (Tunisia), Grapefruit Ext (USA),  Lavender Ext (France), Lemongrass Ext (India), Leucidal (Radish Root) Ferment, PhytoCide (Sambucus Nigra – Elderberry) Fruit extract, Gluconolactone (found naturally in fruit), Sodium Benzoate and Potassium Sorbate (both food preservatives)

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