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* 有效治療乾性皮膚、毛髮角化病、曬傷
* 也有助緊緻、發紅、敏感皮膚、素食主義者
* 一種質感輕型、豐富營養的護膚液
* 含有 14種藥用級植物提煉成份
* 質感不油膩,容易被肌膚吸收
* 保持膚色均勻和柔軟,幫助肌膚看起來更年輕
* 有效治療皮膚受外來刺激所影響的問題
* 有助減少早期皮膚癌的發病率
* 與身體磨砂霜 (Macadamia Body Scrub)一起使用,可以證明對毛髮角化病有幫助
* 毛髮角化病 - 是指在上手臂和身體持續出現像被碰傷的紅色痕跡
* 不含其他對抗乾燥問題所提煉的礦物油成份
* 從一些帶有清新香氣的植物提煉
* Simplicite 產品無論是天然或是合成的, 並不需要添加任何香味在內
* 所有 Simplicite的植物成份都有有機種植認證或野生採摘

Nutritive Body Lotion 250ml 營養潤膚霜

SKU: ESL10110
  • Softens the skin. Enhances moisture. 
    Slows the signs of ageing and smooths wrinkles.

  • An all natural body lotion that's perfect for all skin types. It nurtures the skin so effectively that it easily overcomes sun damage and dryness with regular use. This natural body lotion is made with certified organic ingredients, but only those that have been personally selected for their highest quality and activity and then freshly extracted by hand.

    Fresh, concentrated plant extracts are unique to Simplicite and it's why this natural body lotion feels so deliciously light and luxurious and absorbs so easily into the skin. Smooth it on twice daily or more and delight in the sensuous feel as the body lotion softens the skin and helps it to look and feel younger. The beautiful natural and subtle fragrance (lemon with an undertone of rosewood) is due only to the certified organic plant extract ingredients used – no added fragrances are ever used in Simplicite products.

    Unlike other body lotions, our Nutritive Body Lotion uses highly concentrated, natural ingredients which means that not only is it gentle and organic, it's highly effective as well. Perfect for repairing dry, sun damaged and ageing areas of skin. For more treatment testimonials, read our reviews below - the results speak for themselves!

    • A synergistic, powerful combination of 14 hand-made and freshly extracted, medicinal grade plant extracts


    How to Use

    • Apply after showering. Also apply at any time to areas of irritation and dryness.
    • Beneficial results for sunburn; apply frequently to lessen redness and discomfort.
    • Apply twice daily to improve areas of sun damage.


    Pure Water, Capric/Caprylic Triglyceride (from plant source), Apricot Kernel extract, Sweet Almond extract, Cocoa Butter, Glyceryl Monostearate (from plant source), freshly extracted organic Aloe Vera juice (not the usual powder from China), Avocado extract, Jojoba extract, Sesame extract, Lemon, Rosewood, Evening Primrose, Carrot, Sage, Hyssop, Clary Sage, Natural Vitamin E, Gluconolactone (found in wine and fruit)

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