* 有效治療延緩衰老、緊緻細紋、素食者、皺紋
* 也有助發紅、敏感皮膚、曬傷、皮膚薄弱
* 傳統草藥成份可以幫助眼睛疲倦、腫脹或受外來刺激
* 舒緩、鎮靜,並且減少紅腫和眼袋
* 含有豐富天然維生素C 和生物類黃酮
* 包含從玫瑰果種子的外部部分新鮮抽取提煉,以從內部補貼玫瑰果油
* 含有植物樹脂,有助緊緻肌膚
* 完全純植物提煉
* 不包含其他眼凝膠內的合成膠凝劑
* 合成凝膠劑是在另一種化學劑 (三乙醇胺)尚未使用前,用來對付非常高酸度的化學問題
Instant Help Eye Gel 20g 眼部凝膠
A morning wake-up eye treatment. Tones the delicate tissue around tired eyes. Apply regularly during the day. Contains natural moisurisers.
Not a synthetic carbomer gel.Soothes, calms and reduces redness and puffiness using traditional herbal remedies for tired, swollen or irritated eyes.
- A synergistic, powerful combination of 14 freshly extracted, medicinal grade plant extracts
How to Use
- Apply as often as desired to puffiness and darkness around the eyes.
- Method: using the tips of both fourth fingers apply enough Gel to be able to gently smooth and pat it above and below eyes.
- Allow about 30 seconds for Gel to dry. Firming Rehydration Eye Creme can then also be applied, either all over the eye area for extra benefits or just around the edges of the Gel to soften the ‘firmness’.
- Tip: Keep tube in the fridge and apply first thing in the morning for a gently stimulating and refreshing eye ‘lift’.
Freshly extracted organic Aloe Vera juice (not the lifeless dried powder from China), Xanthan Gum, Lavender, fresh herbal extract of Witch Hazel (not the clear, alcohol-based version), Calendula, Hypericum, Eyebright, Passionflower, Rosehips, Chamomile, Yarrow, Cornsilk, Rose, Geranium, Natural Vitamin E, Gluconolactone (from Corn)